The heroic dogs involved in search and rescue missions optimize their natural abilities to help distressed people.
Seizure assistance dogs trained to help the owner during and after a seizure. These dogs give their owners freedom to enjoy life knowing they have help nearby when they need it. These amazing dogs provide safety, security, and companionship.
Canine agility training provides exercise and mental stimulation for both handler and dog. Older agility dogs also benefit from strengthening the bond with their owners, socializing with other dogs, and fulfilling natural hunting instincts. A physical exam and veterinary consultation before starting a new exercise regimen is advised.
Whether you and your dog decide to share a bed is a personal choice that involves several factors. The health of you and your dog should be taken into consideration as well as any behavioral issues your dog may have. There can be many benefits for both you and your dog to co-sleep if the circumstances align.
Pet owners show off their dogs at dog shows, which are organized events that provide an audience primed for admiring the glory of the canine kingdom. A dog show is an official gathering of dogs and their owners/handlers in a competitive arena.
Skunks spray volatile compounds from their anal sacs if they feel threatened by a potential predator such as a dog. If sprayed in the face your dog may need veterinary care, as corneal damage can occur if sprayed in the eyes, and vomiting, diarrhea, or anemia can result if sprayed in the mouth.
The two groups of spiders responsible for most medically significant spider bites include the widow spiders (Latrodectus spp., including the black widow spider) and the recluse spiders (Loxosceles spp., including the brown recluse). The clinical signs and treatment of black widow and brown recluse spider bites vary significantly due to differences in their venom.
There are many methods and opinions described by various people to tame and train birds. This handout is designed to give some guidance to you during this process. Your patience may be strained, and you may sustain some bites, but the rewards of your new relationship with your bird will be fulfilling and long-lasting.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is used as a non-stick coating on cookware. Teflon is the most well-known brand name of PTFE-based coatings. When PTFE is heated to high temperatures, it releases toxic particles and acidic gases that are toxic when inhaled. Birds are particularly sensitive to inhaled toxins or poisons and can be poisoned by PTFE even if they are not in the same room. Sadly, sudden death may be the only sign of PTFE poisoning.
Getting a purebred dog comes with some pros and cons. You know what you are getting but also run a higher risk for genetically tied health problems. Do some research before selecting a new pup, purebred or otherwise.